Tools > conversions
Add the code to a text link:
In the code below, replace “” with the URL for your website or telephone link, and replace “Download now!” with your link text.
1. <a onclick= ”goog_report_conversion (‘ link’)” href s= ””> Download now! </a>
2. <a onclick= ”goog_report_conversion (‘tel:000-123-4567’)” href=”#”> Call now! </a>
Add the code to a button:
In the code below, replace “” with the URL for your website or telephone link, and replace “Download now!” with your button text.
1. <buttononclick= ”goog_report_conversion (‘ = ””> Download now! </button> Or:
2. <button onclick= ”goog_report_conversion (‘tel:000-123-4567’)”> Call 000-123-4567 </button>
3. 000-123-4567</button>
You can check your conversions using google tag assistant in your chrome….!!! For validation of your tags.
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